Donate to FARA

Donating to FARA

The VHF and UHF repeaters owned and operated by FARA provide service to a huge geographical area and countless Hams in northern Virginia and are arguably the most publicly visible assets of our club. Operational and maintenance costs associated with the repeaters have been covered for many years by the annual club membership dues. But the repeaters, which have been in operation for almost 20 years, are in need of major upgrades and maintenance, the cost of which will greatly exceed the financial resources provided by membership dues alone.

Your generous tax-deductible donation will help pay for these repairs and upgrades to keep our repeaters functioning properly into the future to serve the local Ham community, and the general public in times of emergency or disaster through our partnership with ARES.

Please click the “Donate” below button to make your donation through PayPal’s secure donation process.

If you would like a receipt, please use the “Write a note” option and put your request there.

Your generosity is greatly appreciated!